Why I got hooked on Harry Potter
1. Good writing. The writing was good, interesting, and naturally flowing. Enough said on that vein. 2.Black magic and demons weren't involved in any way. 3. Harry was a real kid. While you were sympathetic for Harry and cheering him all the way through, he did have his moments of impatience, confusion, and loud-mouthness which made him neither a perfect hero nor a brat, but an actual person. In fact, all of the kids were like that, neither fully wicked or fully good. - Hermione is bossy but loyal - Ron is brash, but cares very deeply for others - Draco is haughty but initially friendly to Harry - Neville is clumsy and timid but courageous when the time calls for it 4. Non-villainous adults! (IS THAT EVEN LEGAL NOWADAYS?!?!) In nearly all teen/middle grade fiction, the adults are: A. Dumb. B. Evil (from the scale of 'you're destroying the ecosystem!' to 'you took money out of my highly expensive college account to pay for my younger sibling's c...